Tag: Extension

A problem that drones can fix

Task Description: This term I and the rest of my class were trying to find some problem’s in life individually. I thought that people have hard times painting big tall buildings so I said that drones could go to the place that you want it to go and in one hand it has a paint bucket and in the other a roller brush.

Planing for extension manaiakalani film festival

Task Description: This term my Extension class and I were making a movie for manaiakalani film festival. At the begging of the term the whole extension group was split up into four groups, our techer said we had to come up with an idea for our movie. On the first week of the term my group thought that shaterbox was a good idea but on the second week we were sharing our idea’s. Our teacher called us down to the mat we shared our idea but there was anther group that had the idea of doing a movie based on “Oh the places you’ll go.” Our teacher chose there one. The next week later our teacher split us up into different groups then all the groups got to choose a paper that was full of the script from ” Oh the places you’ll go.”